
An effective business owner understands the importance of providing more to their employees than just a salary and necessary benefits. 员工的态度, 不管是积极的还是消极的, 会直接影响职业道德吗, 工作环境, 整体效率. Happy and healthy employees who feel supported by their employer are more likely to have a positive outlook, 在他们的工作中加倍努力, 成为企业的自愿大使. Employees who feel disconnected from their employer are more likely to do and feel the exact opposite.

One of the ways many businesses choose to show that support for their employees is through the implementation of a wellness program.

These programs are never one-size-fits-all—this is why we wanted to ask Chriss Spires, the Partner & 蒙托亚的福利顾问 & 在工作场所健康方面的领导者Associates分享了他对这个话题的一些见解.


FLCB:什么是健康计划? 为什么公司要关心工作场所的健康?

M&A: A “wellness” program is not a static offering but more fluid with multiple components that can be developed over time. True worksite wellness is more about connectivity with employees and a workplace vibe if you will—energy, 热情和良好的工作环境都是积极的健康计划带来的实实在在的好处. Worksite wellness has become more popular over the past several years as companies look for ways to differentiate from other employers. 以吸引和留住关键人才, having a well-organized wellness program is another added value that can help companies remain competitive.


M&A: 首先必须从领导力开始, if the executive team is not on board a wellness program is likely to not gain meaningful traction and is destined to fail. 有了自上而下的支持, 我们建议建立一个由各类员工组成的“健康”委员会, 公司的不同部门或领域. 制定预算, 公司愿意投入的每个员工的成本, yes this should be seen as an investment since the impact on the employee will create positive results for the organization. A calendar of events and activities can be created to keep all employees aware of what’s occurring throughout the month. 以下是我们看到的一些有效的幸福方法 & 健康计划:

  • Monthly / Quarterly Lunch n Learns- topics can range from financial wellness to healthy cooking and nutrition.
  • 健康的自动售货选择——有很多资源可用于此,我们喜欢智能盒子.
  • 修改公司餐饮政策-只提供供应商提供的健康食品(不提供披萨).
  • 生物识别筛选-现场或在当地实验室.
  • On-site Health Fair- invite local wellness-related companies to share products and services with employees, 包括健康保险公司.
  • 无烟工作政策——可能是一项艰难但重要的政策.
  • Gym memberships- We DO NOT recommend the typical reimbursement approach as they generally are not able to be tracked. 我们更喜欢问责制项目 Peerfit 对于这个. Peerfit provides a digital health offering which is a great solution for organizations with multi-state, 多处需要.
  • 结构化活动挑战-最大的输家比赛,步行/步骤比赛
  • 雇主赞助的注册事件-本地运行 & 员工可以参加的其他活动.


M&A: 公司文化是当今员工的驱动力,是一种有意识的健康 & 福利计划可以支持公司目标的许多方面. Certainly creating a healthy work environment and fostering an active lifestyle appeals to many individuals and can often mean the difference between making a quality environment and not. 在所有条件都相同的情况下, 包括补偿, offering a well-designed and functioning program can have a dramatic impact on recruiting and employee retention.


M&A: We see impacts in many areas for a company from employee presentism and new hire recruiting to an enhanced vitality of employees. Some would report that health costs and insurance premiums can be reduced and while that may be true in larger organizations it is more of the intangible benefits that we see smaller business seeing an impact.


M&A: The investment (we like that word over cost) can vary depending on the scope and programs to be included. 值得注意的是,综合幸福的许多要素 & 健康计划可以是低投资或免费/免费的. Many solutions exist today that allow companies to begin small and gradually move to more robust programs that include on-site health coaching and biometric screening. A budget is again important to understand so a program can be tailored to meet the financial expectations of the organization’s leadership. 对一个项目的投资从5美元到5美元不等.00 per employee per month ($60 annually) to more sophisticated offerings including on-site health screenings, 健身产品, 教育, 烹饪班等. 也就是每个员工每月50- 100美元(每年600- 1200美元).


M&A: Wellness programs come in all sizes so the truth is a company with 5 employees can implement meaningful, 低成本战略. 无烟校园/办公室, 健康的自动售货, weekly/monthly/quarterly activity challenges are just a few examples of the low-cost options that smaller companies with limited or no budgets can adopt for wellness.

FLCB: What are some of the differences you’ve seen between companies with and without a wellness program?

M&A: 第一个, any type of wellness offering should be considered as a benefit component to enhance employee well-being and foster an environment of a common mission to become healthy and better engaged. We generally see organizations that have some type of wellness program to also enjoy a good corporate culture. 拥有健康计划的公司往往会让员工在工作中更投入, 看起来是更好的同事,更自由地合作. It is important to understand that “wellness” encompasses several facets with the most common and popular being health-oriented offerings. 金融, 精神上的, 社会, Environmental and Vocational are other areas that should be considered when developing a comprehensive program.

蒙托亚 & Associates is a leader in workplace wellness and has recently been recognized by the 第一个 Coast Worksite Wellness Council for the 3rd 连续一年获得公司项目的“金奖”. 有关工作场所健康的更多信息 & 福利项目请正规买球APP下载蒙托亚的顾问 & 同事- 904-280-2028  www.montoyaassociates.com
